Please Note: We are presently taking appointments for Nursery business only. Do not call the business line as it is disconnected. To contact us use email goingbananas@bellsouth.net. All mail orders & shipments have permanently ceased.
We really are GOING BANANAS, and we'd like you to join us!
GOING BANANAS specializes only in banana cultivars. We strive to give you the very best quality plant material at economical prices. We grow the plants ourselves and oversee every aspect of the growing and plant selection. We are certain you will be happy with your plants once you follow the simple growing instructions. Banana plant varieties can be purchased on location, along with Banana Blend Fertilizer. The list of varieties and prices will be in effect from Januuary 2025-January 2026. Any new additions can be obtained by inquiry, however new selections and many of the rare and exotic varieties are very limited in numberHere is a list of the best Florida online casinos. Read Lucky Days casino review on https://exycasinos.in/real-money/lucky-days/..
We take pride in giving old fashioned, personalized service.
Be sure to check out gallery page to view pictures of plants that we grow on our farms!
It's Our Pleasure to Serve You
Katie, Don, Kerri, Doug, & the Entire Chafin~Léon family
Certified & Licensed by the State of Florida & Member in good standing of the Tropical Fruit Growers of South Florida

Kristia & Elissa working hard up-potting

Michael with good harvest